Bearly Dead > Songs > My Brother Esau > Performances

My Brother Esau has been performed by Bearly Dead in 48 shows. It was last played 2024-05-03, which was the most recent show.

Date Played Venue Show Gap Footnote
2017-07-05 Thunder Road, Somerville, MA57
2017-07-26 Thunder Road, Somerville, MA4
2017-11-15 Thunder Road, Somerville, MA16
2018-02-21 Thunder Road, Somerville, MA18
2018-04-25 Thunder Road, Somerville, MA12
2018-07-04 Thunder Road, Somerville, MA15
2018-09-08 Gumpas Pond, Pelham, NH16
2018-10-03 Thunder Road, Somerville, MA6
2018-12-19 Thunder Road, Somerville, MA15
2019-01-30 Thunder Road, Somerville, MA8
2019-03-09 Electric Haze, Worcester, MA8
2019-06-26 Thunder Road, Somerville, MA20
2019-07-17 Thunder Road, Somerville, MA5
2019-08-28 Thunder Road, Somerville, MA12
2019-10-16 Thunder Road, Somerville, MA13
2019-11-29 The Black Box, Franklin, MA12
2019-12-20 Jewel Nightclub, Manchester, NH4
2020-01-22 Thunder Road, Somerville, MA7
2020-02-15 The Gem Theater, Bethel, ME8
2021-04-22 Soundcheck Studios, Pembroke, MA13
2021-07-14 The Burren, Somerville, MA3
2021-11-10 Sonia, Cambridge, MA33
2021-12-01 Sonia, Cambridge, MA4Intro only.
2021-12-31 Brighton Music Hall, Allston, MA9
2022-02-16 Sonia, Cambridge, MA12
2022-03-17 Arch Street Tavern, Hartford, CT10
2022-04-19 Nectar's, Burlington, VT10
2022-05-04 Sonia, Cambridge, MA4
2022-07-22 The Stone Church Music Club, Newmarket, NH15
2022-08-06 Mt. Abram Ski Area & Bike Park, Greenwood, ME4
2022-08-26 Aeronaut Cannery, Everett, MA6
2022-09-17 Soundcheck Studios, Pembroke, MA5
2022-10-13 HopMonk Tavern, Novato, CA7
2022-11-26 Zenbarn, Waterbury Center, VT15
2023-01-14 Soundcheck Studios, Pembroke, MA7
2023-03-31 Putnam Place, Saratoga Springs, NY10
2023-04-16 The 8x10, Baltimore, MD4
2023-04-22 Charleston Pour House, Charleston, SC5
2023-06-24 House of Blues, Boston, MA8
2023-09-02 Arch Street Tavern, Hartford, CT15
2023-10-07 The Drake, Amherst, MA6
2023-10-15 Lost Camp, Kerby, OR5
2023-11-17 Rochester Opera House, Rochester, NH14
2023-12-25 Crystal Ballroom at Somerville Theatre, Somerville, MA7
2024-02-16 Infinity Music Hall, Hartford, CT7
2024-03-24 New Brookland Tavern, Columbia, SC6
2024-03-30 Bowstring, Wilmington, NC4
2024-05-03 The MET, Pawtucket, RI5

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