Bearly Dead > Songs > King Harvest (Has Surely Come) > Performances

King Harvest (Has Surely Come) has been performed by Bearly Dead in 9 shows. It was last played 2024-05-03, which was the most recent show.

Date Played Venue Show Gap Footnote
2019-03-17 The Middle East Downstairs, Cambridge, MA177Lee Ross on saxophone and Rob Krahn on trombone.
2019-09-04 Thunder Road, Somerville, MA36
2023-04-28 3S Artspace, Portsmouth, NH221
2023-06-24 House of Blues, Boston, MA6
2023-08-26 Dougfest, Madison, NH14
2023-09-29 High Altitude Festival, Vorheesville, NY6
2023-10-22 Herman's Hideaway, Denver, CO11
2024-01-20 Beachland Tavern, Cleveland, OH19
2024-05-03 The MET, Pawtucket, RI19

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